Magnolia Services GmbH
Dr. Golo Fabricius
Mühlehaldenstr. 22
CH-8953 Dietikon
UID: CHE-186.844.877
CHE-186.844.877 MWST
e-mail: golo(at)
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Das Logo ist Eigentum der Magnolia Services GmbH.
Der Schutz Ihrer persönlichen Daten ist uns ein wichtiges Anliegen.
Kontakt für Datenschutz: Dr. Golo Fabricius
E-Mail: golo(at)
Magnolia Services GmbH
Mühlehaldenstr. 22
CH-8953 Dietikon
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This website uses graphics licensed by Adobe.
The logo is in ownership of Magnolia Services GmbH.
Data protection / privacy policy
We take the protection of your personal data seriously.
Contact for data protection: Dr. Golo Fabricius
e-mail: golo(at)
Magnolia Services GmbH
Mühlehaldenstr. 22
CH-8953 Dietikon
Data processing concerns data of potential clients and other visitors of the website. Data is processed to acquire customers, answer requests, or initiate or execute customer contracts including contracted services.
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Magnolia Services GmbH
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